Creating & Changing Objects
Who says there is no such thing as a free lunch! In a lucid dream you can literally crate something out of thin air. This is one of the dream control techniques you will find yourself using often. The tips suggested here will use creating an object as an example, but they work just as well for transforming one object into another if that’s what you want to do.
The simplest way of doing this is by focusing your mind on what you want, and visualising it appear in front of you. This is generally easier to do the smaller and simpler and object is although with practice it is entirely possible to make entire buildings materialize.
Sometimes creating something from nothing doesn’t work, this is often due to the idea not fitting in with the context of you dream. However if it’s proving difficult to summon the item you want, there are few tricks you can use that might help. Selecting one of the methods below which fits in with the plot or theme of your dream will have a greater chance of being effective:
- Calling out for what you want will often improve the chances of being able to materialize it.
- Another method is to find a drawer or cupboard, imagine what you want is inside then open it up to find it there. This overcomes any conflict with the context of your dream, after all you aren’t doing something that should be impossible, the item could have been in the drawer the whole time!
- Magic is a good alternative option, since you were a small child you have likely been told of wizards and sorcerers who can perform impossible feats. Because the idea of making something appear in a flash of light using a spell or magic wand is an idea your mind is already comfortable and familiar with, it will often be easier to summon objects this way than by sheer force of will.
- Using advanced technology to create objects works along the same line as the approach with magic, which will be more effective all depends on the individuals perspective and the context of your dream. A device like a replicator from Star Trek could be used to create any object you want, as could requesting something be teleported to you from your spaceship in orbit.
Summoning Dream Characters
In principle there is no difference in calling up a dream character than in calling up an object, but in practice it can often prove more tricky to get right. Summoning a generic person like; a solider, or a doctor will be easier than trying to create a specific person as it gives your subconscious more freedom to work with.
In general you can use the same techniques as for creating objects, however a specific person has a huge number of distinct features and characteristics, trying to bring all these together in an instant can be a difficult task. Therefore you will probably find you have more success using those methods that give your mind a bit of time to build that person. Standing outside a door for example and expecting to see the person when you open it is often more effective than trying to conjure them into existence.
You can even take this kind of approach a step further, imagine yourself standing outside a door that has a buzzer with names listed on it, or where there are letters on the floor. First see the persons name on the buzzer / letters, and let your mind build up the association that this is where they live, this makes it much more plausible within the context of your dream to see them on the other side of the door.
Another variation on this, is to ask a random passing dream character “Does (the person you want) still live in that house over there?” This sets up an expectation to find them there.
Next: Dream Control - Changing the Scene
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